Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Oyster Sauce

This is my homage to oyster sauce, the Chinese condiment that makes everything better! You all know about my ongoing struggle getting Molly to eat her veggies. Well, last night I made cauliflower sauteed with garlic and oyster sauce and guess what? She gobbled it right up! It is a miracle! You know if I had given it to her any other way, she probably would have refused it. Then all day today I thought about oyster sauce and how it is just perfect. I recently read an entry on Mark Bitterman's blog about veggies served with just oyster sauce drizzled over. The foodies are catching on! Here are my favorite ways to use oyster sauce:

  • drizzled over green peas and eggs on rice
  • drizzled over Chinese greens
  • in any stir fry
  • for dipping meat & veggies in Chinese soups (along with rice, heaven!!)
  • for dipping pan fried turnip cake
  • for everything
How about mini bottles of it to go? What about packets?? The brand in the picture is my favorite. Whatever brand you pick, make sure it actually contains real oyster essence so that you get that savory briny goodness!


  1. I love the frame picture and it's almost empty bottle !! Hahaha fantastic idea with the takeout packets /pursesize bottle... Why don't we have that yet? Ho yow rocks!

  2. Yeah, I love oyster sauce too. The chinese greens with oyster sauce is a favorite of mine whenever I go out for Chinese. Another good sauce is black bean sauce. Try that with beef.

  3. Funny I just made pepper steak with black bean sauce last night. Molly also loves anything with black bean sauce.

  4. mmmm steamed ribs with garlic / blackbean sauce......
    NMO - have you try grilling with blackbean sauce?
