Friday, February 3, 2012

Drunken Chicken with Shitaki Mushroom and Ginger - Steamed

Drunken chicken,  marinated chicken in rice wine. 
And yes, I love it very marinated, the wine just does something magical to the meat - helps tenderize and gives it this lovely aroma.
Often reminds me of the chicken wine soup Mama Ng likes to cook for us from time to time. Very popular in the cold seasons as it helps promotes the blood circulation. It is very strong in flavor but delicious and best consumed in small amounts. Will post more on Mama Ng chicken wine soup one day.
Here is my version. 

Steamed Chicken with Mushroom and Ginger 

I used boneless chicken thighs, marinated in rice wine mixture over night.
Steamed it with 2 types of mushroom and a lot of ginger. With the tender chicken soaking in the ginger rice wine mushroom broth.... delicious ! You can serve it over noodles, rice or congee. We had it with white rice and Chinese broccoli on the side.

- Chicken - Boneless thighs - slice into 1 -2" size
- Shitake Mushroom - cut to 1 "
- Wood ear mushroom - cut to 1 "
- Ginger - cut in matchsticks
- Garlic - minced
- Scallion - cut slant

Marinade for the meat 
-ShoaXing - Rice wine
-Light soy sauce
-Sesame oil
-brown sugar
-white pepper
-garlic and scallion - minced
* combine together in a bowl and adjust the seasoning to your liking

Wood ear and Shitake Mushroom
Most of the flavor you get is from the shitaki and not much from the wood ear but you get a fun jelly texture.
Soak into warm water until soften then slice in bite size pieces.

Mix together the marinated chicken with mushrooms garlic and ginger.

Top with scallion ( I like to drizzle a few drops of fish sauce right before steaming)

Steam for 20 - 30 mins depending on the amount of meat. 
while the chicken was cooking I quickly stirred fry Chinese broccoli with garlic and oyster sauce.

Here's dinner... and don't forget the chili garlic hot sauce!


  1. Wow! This looks delicious! I love the wood ear mushrooms,mso crunchy!

    1. Hi!! Yes I love wood ear and also white fungus too , they both have similar texture ... crunch crunch

  2. I don't know how to cook this dish but love eating it. Yours looks very flavourful!! ;)
